InteractionPoweR - Power Analyses for Interaction Effects in Cross-Sectional
Power analysis for regression models which test the
interaction of two or three independent variables on a single
dependent variable. Includes options for correlated interacting
variables and specifying variable reliability. Two-way
interactions can include continuous, binary, or ordinal
variables. Power analyses can be done either analytically or
via simulation. Includes tools for simulating single data sets
and visualizing power analysis results. The primary functions
are power_interaction_r2() and power_interaction() for two-way
interactions, and power_interaction_3way_r2() for three-way
interactions. Please cite as: Baranger DAA, Finsaas MC,
Goldstein BL, Vize CE, Lynam DR, Olino TM (2023). "Tutorial:
Power analyses for interaction effects in cross-sectional
regressions." <doi:10.1177/25152459231187531>.